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Why Join?



Benefits of SWCA membership for your business:


Customer confidence in your service & products:


Our demanding food safety standards, exceeding legislation, set European Bottled Watercooler Association Members apart and are recognised as the “gold” standard by specifiers and decision makers.


Promotion of your business:


Listing on the SWCA website and link to your website enabling potential customers to easily identify you as a SWCA member.


Promotion of the industry:


The SWCA, promotes the SWCA, its members and hydration in the workplace to trade publications, facilities management and the wider business press with the aim to differentiate SWCA Members from non-members so delivering additional commercial benefit.


Knowledge & support:


Information & advice on forthcoming legislation, authoritative support from specialist technical consultants, guidance on water & hygiene issues giving Members the edge to ensure their businesses are prepared for any future changes.




Economical industry & job specific training & education programmes giving staff members a high level of professionalism and motivation.


Third party audits:


The SWCA is committed to continuous improvement, constantly raising and maintaining the quality of water cooler industry. Bespoke annual audits are carried out by approved institutes to ensure that Members meet the strict Codes of Practice. The audits are designed to improve your business and cover such issues as Training, Hygiene & Operating Procedures, ensuring that your company is meeting all legal requirements and beyond for your peace of mind.


Regulatory lobbying & monitoring:


Regular consultation with other associations and membership of Watercoolers Europe (WE) ensures that Members as a collective body can respond to and seek to influence both UK and EU proposed legislation.


Use of SWCA logo:


A symbol of accreditation, best practice and quality is available to full Members who have passed their audit(s).




Discounted meetings and trade shows give Members an opportunity to network and offers suppliers access to both existing and new customers.


Accredited Supplier Members:


Members are encouraged, wherever possible, to purchase goods and services from SWCA accredited supplier companies.




The SWCA’s voluntary environmental accreditation is a path that Members may choose to take to demonstrate positive environmental credentials.




More FAQ's about SWCA membership.


Will the BWCA website help promote my company?


Once a full Member, both Members and non-members will be able to find your products and services from the SWCA website with the knowledge of the SWCA pledge of quality.


How often do Members meet?


Meetings in the Autumn & Spring enable members not only to catch up with the latest industry developments, but also exchange ideas and experiences with industry peers.


How is the SWCA organised?


The Association is run democratically through an elected Executive Council and managed by its President.


How do I become a Member?


Complete the application form. Once your application is approved by the Executive Council, and your Membership Fee paid there is only one more step to full Membership, An Audit. Annual audits are mandatory for continued membership by Bottlers and Distributors. During these audits you must prove among others to:

- Have trained personall that know the code of practice and hygiene awareness;

- Execute and log proper sanitization

- Meet food standards is filling, storing and distributing water and related articles

- Sell products that meet the proper food regulative requirements; water from approved bottlers, coolers from approved suppliers, etc.

Supplier Members who supply water contact products have to complete an annual questionnaire. 


When can I use the SWCA logo and be listed on the SWCA website?


As soon as you have passed the relevant audit(s) or Supplier questionnaire for your business.

Questions about membership? Ask us at

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