Benefits of drinking water
Water hydrates. It delivers oxygen to the brains and disposes of waste in your body. Drinking enough water is not only essential for a balanced health, it has proven to boost energy and productivity and keeps you focussed and alert.
Nutritionalists, dieticians and medical specialists advise that high quality water, free from flavourings and additives is far more beneficial than tea, coffee, fruit squashes or fizzy drinks.
Drink 6 - 8 glasses a day for a good hydration and:
- Help improve alertness
- All brain functions improve
- Aid receptiveness to learning
- Improve skin texture
- Reduce the rate of aging
- Help weight loss
- Reduce obesity
- Aid digestion process
- Improve energy levels
- Improve bodily organ functions
- Lubricate joints
- Purify the body
- Remove toxins
Lack of water and dehydration can cause:
- Decreased ability to concentrate
- Increased Fatigue
- Headaches
- Dry mouth & bad breath
- Impaired sports performance
- Dizziness
- Irritability
- Constipation
Industry statistics
Per-Capita Bottled Water Consumption by Top Countries,1999–2010 (Liters per Person per Year)
Per-capita bottled water consumption is reported by the top 20 consuming countries for the years from 1997 to 2010, with data gaps. Data through 2007 and for 2010 comefrom the Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC). Units are in liters per person per year. The greatest per-capita consumption occurs in the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, andItaly—all at over 200 liters per person per year. Data from 2009 for a subset of EuropeanUnion (EU) countries are also provided, courtesy of the European Federation of Bottled Waters and Canadean, as noted below. These data often agree, but sometimes disagreesubstantially, with the BMC data. Care should be taken in comparing them.
Data earlier than 1997 are not currently or consistently available. No distinction amongtypes of bottled water is provided, and such definitions may vary from country tocountry. As noted above, data through 2007 and for 2010 are provided by the BMC; the 2009 data for EU countries come from Canadean, through the European Federation of Bottled Waters. These two data sets are similar but have some notable differences,such as for Belgium, France, and Germany.
Data provided by the BMC are used with permission. Canadean data come from http://efbw.eu/bwf.php?classement=07.

Water at work, an essential service for a healthy company!
Water coolers have integrated into all aspects of our working and home life from offices to workshops and construction sites to schools and hospitals. Today employers do not only provide water coolers as a means of fulfilling their legal duty to provide drinking water in the workplace, but they recognise the benefits derived from good hydration in the productivity and wellbeing of their staff.