About the SWCA
SWCA is the official trade association for the Slovak water cooler industry. We are informing consumers, training members and controlling good practice to secure quality and safety for the end user of bothe bottled water coolers and filter coolers connected to the mains water supply.
The SWCA (Slovak Water Cooler Association) was established to represent the interests of the water cooler industry in Slovakia.

Our role
The SWCA's mission is to ensure that its Members offer the highest standards of quality, safety and hygiene to the consumer together with an unimpeachable product and service.The SWCA facilitates the exchange of technical, scientific and regulatory information between Industry Members and related bodies and serves as the authoritative source of information (other than statistical) concerning the water cooler industry.

How we work
For continued membership and accreditation, Members must adhere to strict Bylaws, Codes of Practice and the Code of Advertising and Conduct and are audited for compliance annually by 3rd party inspection organisations.
Know more about how to find or become a member? click here >>

The SWCA has close and ongoing relationships with key national and local government departments, the Environment Agency, Trading Standards and Environmental Health Departments. At a European level, the SWCA is a Member of the European Bottled Watercooler Association (WE). The SWCA takes an active role in the activities of WE which represents the interests of several hundred companies in the water cooler industry throughout Western and Eastern Europe in relation to EU directives and regulations.
Know more about the SWCA standards and code of practice? click here >>